Monday, October 20, 2008

Lotion Story

My favorite part of my day are the two 15 minute stretch breaks. This is when all of the DAs, cook and bakers come into a semi-blocked off area of the dining hall, IN SILENCE, and start stretching. I don't know why I think it's so funny...but most of the time it takes me a few to get it together. There is something really hilarious about sharing a space in that way...especially when stretching turns to yoga and more intimate positions. Now that we know each other better we've been talking more. We make announcements, ask questions, get scolded, clear up rumors (McMurdo is known for it's Rumor Mill).

One day during stretching time I was asked by the Lead DA to "share what I learned today." And what he was referring to was a hazardous situation that occured earlier that day.

Here's what happened:

I was trying to put on lotion (because we wash our hands 27 times a day)...and I couldn't get the lotion to come out of the bottle. This particular bottle is located on the top shelf next to the hand washing sink. I kept pumping the top nozzle hoping it would come out. Naturally, I got on my tip toes and looked into the nozzle (still pumping it) to see if it was clogged. Apparently it wasn't because right as I did that lotion came squirting out into my eye. The Lead happened to be there and was ready to push my face down into the emergency eye wash. I was determined to let my eye sort it out for itself and forget it even happened. Luckily, it did work itself out because that would have been an embarrassing reason to use the emergency eye wash. So, when I was asked to share this story with everyone, while stretching of course, we as a group had to figure out a way to avoid the "almost hazardous situation". Which we determined would have been making it REQUIRED to wear safety glasses while putting on lotion. HAH! I am so thankful I did not use that emergency eye wash station.

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