Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hi from New Zealand

Hello Everyone!

Well, after two days of Polar Services orientation in Denver and 26 hours of straight travel I'm finally in New Zealand. It's only my second day here in Christchurch, but I'm pretty sure that's all it takes to completely fall in love with it. The people are wonderful-- so friendly, kind, easy-going, funny and interesting. And of course the place itself is gorgeous. Everything is green and water is everywhere, and it looks and feels so much more like Europe than I had expected. Streets and stores are small and quaint. If things get rough on the Pole I will at least have this image in my head to get me through these next 5 months.

Yesterday we got here around 10am. We went to our various hotels, napped, ate, explored and then later on we all gathered at the Dux deLux to feast and drink (a tradition for the Polies). I'm "staying" at the Camelot Square. But I'm actually sleeping and hanging out at Hotel So. Leslie, my roommate from St. Olaf who is also going to the ice, is staying there and so are most others from our group. This hotel must have been inspired by Austin Powers...the room is 8"X8" and only fits a bed and bathroom (which has glass walls, I'm glad Leslie and are I close...). There is mood lighting, mirrors everywhere, a blacklight under the bed, and a flat screen tv at the foot of the bed. There is a channel you can change the tv to that is a still image of a fireplace and it makes crackling noises so simulate a real fire...very cozy. And very hilarious. Leslie and I even woke up to a sunrise on the TV screen accompanied with lovely sounds of birds chirping. As weird as this place is, I would suggest staying here if you ever get the chance! It's only 69 New Zealand dollars (around 35 US).

Today we got up early to head to the CDC (Clothing Distribution Center) to get our ECW (extreme cold weather) gear issued. Men and women were divided and sent into two different changing rooms filled with large orange bags. Each of us had two or three of these orange bags full of long underwear, fleeces, carhart jackets and pants, snow pants, bunny shoes (huge moon-like snow shoes), two different kinds of hats, gloves, mittens, and our big red parka. We had to try everything on and make sure we had the right sizes, and that we looked cute in everything of course. HA. We also had our dining attendant uniforms in these bags-- there are no words to describe how ugly these outfits are. Horrible.

So tomorrow we take off for Antarctica around 6am. We have to wear all of this gear we got today, and everything else has to go in a checked bag that weighs less than 75 lbs. I still have to pack my "boomerang bag" which will be everything I need in case we have to boomerang (turn back around because the weather isn't good enough for us to land). I will be very disappointed if we turn around within 30 minutes of getting there after 6 hours of being in the air, to do it yet again later that day. I guess we'll see!

Overall, everyone going down to the ice is wonderful. It's been so fun to get to know all these different people...and when I say different I mean different. It's amazing to hear everyone's story and learn how they got here. We've been having a blast together. Mostly just laughing a lot. I'll be sure to start documenting some of the stories I've been hearing about previous years on the ice. I'm looking forward meeting the Skuas-- huge seagull-like birds that attack you if you leave the galley (where the cafeteria is) with food on your blue tray. There are hilarious stories about Skua encounters....apparently all you see is a huge shadow coming over you...then you're toast. Anyway, that has to be it for now, gotta go meet up with some people!

Just in case you're interested in sending me something here's my address:

Kira Price, NANA
McMurdo Station
PSC 469 Box 700
APO AP 96599

(if you want it to get there quickly write "Happy Birthday" on it. I was just informed of this old trick last night. Be careful not to abuse it though, because I actually will have my birthday on the ice!)


Karen said...

What a wonderful detailed first entry, I almost feel like I'm there. Can't wait to hear about the flight and your impressions of the ice. Yeah baby! Momma Bear

Karen said...
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anfysh said...

hi chickie pp, tell EVERYONE that is your name and you WILL NOT answer to any other!!!!!! orders from nicey. :-) i am dying of envy already and will need to know your every thought and deed. love 100(and that's alot!) nicey

reid said...

you can get rid of that little pop-up window by finding the little text box in the layout with javascript in it

Titkov said...

Sounds like your ready for your covert-ops. I hope to hear some sweet stories/see photos of the antarctic. Let me know if you run into a snow mongoose.

Jenny said...

"Wish you were here Kirk?" Is that the only relation you are pining for? Oh yeah, we CTTA's would have never hung with a dining attendant anyway. Would you ever agree to go back when you're 50 and I am umm, hmmm, I think somewhere around 53? Cuz I'll go with you, big whoop. Miss you tons!! (This is from Mari by the way): )